Hawaiian Zippy’s Chili Recipe With Portuguese sausage


Hawaiian Zippy’s Chili Recipe is super spicy and delicious. and it’s made with veggies, Portuguese sausage, and mayo.

With a blend of beans, multiple spices, and meat, this Zippy’s chili recipe is a perfect combo to your rice meal. It is an all time comfort food that is very simple and easy to make. All the way from Hawaii, this dish has earned hearts because of its meaty flavor.

Based on a Hawaiian outset, this sausage focused dish provides a continental flavor along with a hint of meaty texture. This is another perfect dish for a one dish party that will leave your friends in awe.

Zippy’s Chili Recipe

The chili recipe from the famous chain Zippy’s will now be available at your home. If you live far away from the Zippy’s, you can make your own following this recipe.

You can enjoy the dish as a side to your main meal. This Hawaiian cuisine will make sure to fill up your appetite. Prepare a Hawaiian dish, Zippy’s chili recipe in 1 hour. Includes many spices along with veggies, Portuguese sausage, and mayo.

With Cornbread or Rice?

Zippy’s chili is best combined with plain rice. This way, you can taste the chili with all the spices in it. Plain rice is just an added filler, to taste the main entry.

You can also try this dish along with some cornbread. It will become a good afternoon snack. The soft cornbread along with a savory delight will give you the exact kick you need.

For an easier alternative, you can use your regular breakfast bread, or cooked noodles as the main course. This flavorful side dish will go along with anything.

Recipe Profile

StepsIngredientsPrep TimeCooking TimeServingsCaloriesFood TypeCuisine
101820 minutes40 minutes61354.8 (per serving)SidesHawaiian

How to Make Zippy’s Chili


  • Instant Pot
  • Bowl
  • Stirring Spoon
  • Cutting Board
  • Knife


  • 1 lb Ground Beef: You can also use turkey or other ground meat as alternatives.
  • 5 oz Portuguese Sausage: Portuguese sausage will add the necessary flavor to the recipe. You can definitely go for other hot sausages too.
  • 1 Large Onion: Avoid using red onions as they tend to give an unnecessary taste.
  • 4 stalks Celery: Adding some greens will add many health benefits to your dish. Celery has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • 1 Green Bell Pepper: It is a good option to consider your diet plan. Having less calories and more vitamins it can also enrich the flavor of your recipe.
  • 3 tbsp Chili Powder: It enhances the spice level and savoriness.
  • 1 tbsp Cumin: Another essential flavor inducer.
  • 1 tbsp Oregano: For a rich aroma.
  • 4 cloves Minced Garlic: Minced garlic works better for a Hawaiian dish like this. But you can also try chopped garlic or garlic pastes.
  • 1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce: If you don’t have one, you can substitute it with soy sauce or fish sauce.
  • 1 can (6 oz) Tomato Paste: Being one of the key ingredients, it will help in condensing the dish and make it more juicy.
  • 1 can Pinto Beans: An essential condiment to add for the taste.
  • 1 can Kidney Beans: You can add kidney beans for a savory and creamy texture.
  • 1 can (14 oz) Chicken Broth: Other beef broth or vegetable broth can also be used instead.
  • 2 Bay Leaves: Bay leaves add a special aroma to the recipe.
  • 3 tbsp Mayonnaise: Is added at the end of the recipe. Do not cook it with the other spices.
  • 1 tsp Salt: Salt can be adjusted according to taste.
  • Vegetable Oil: Needed to saute the veggies and meat.


portugese Sausage

Step 1: Cut the Sausage

Cut the Portuguese sausage into bite size pieces. You can also pulse it in a food processor until the consistency becomes like the ground beef.

Cut onion

Step 2: Cut Your Veggies

Dice the onions, celery, and bell pepper thinly. You can also cut them into small cubes if you want. Your preference is more important.

cook vegitable

Step 3: Cook the Veggies

Add a bit of vegetable oil and cook the cut vegetables in the instant pot at ‘Saute’ mode. Wait until the veggies get soft.

cooking ground beef

Step 4: Add the Meat

Add the prepared ground beef and sausages to the pot and cook at the same heat until they are slightly brown.


Step 5: Toss the Spices

Toss all the spices in the pot and Add the chili powder, cumin, oregano, and garlic. Wait for the magical aroma. You can use the pot in the same mode as before.

Add sauce in grounf beef

Step 6: Pour the Wet Ingredients

Before adding the wet ingredients, turn off the ‘Saute’ function. Then add the tomato paste, chicken broth, drained beans, Worcestershire Sauce, and bay leaves. Stir them lightly with a spoon when they are being cooked.

Step 7: Simmer the Pot

After a while, put on the lid of the instant pot and cook at high pressure for half an hour. Make sure to set the vent to ‘Sealed’ before changing the mode.

Step 8: Release the Pressure

Release the pressure of the instant pot. You are almost at the end of the recipe. Take out the bay leaves as they might get in the middle of you enjoying a heavenly bite.

Step 9: Add the Mayo

Add the mayonnaise and stir until it is mixed completely with the chili. Adjust the salt if needed.

Zippys Chili Recipe

Step 10: Serve and Enjoy

The Zippy’s Chili Recipe is now ready. Serve it hot along with rice or wraps. Its combination with rice really goes well, as in the original Zippy’s Chili Recipe.

Extra Items to Make It a Perfection

You can add extra spices and condiments to your chili to make it taste more to your preference. Adding the items below will both help in texture and enrich in flavor.

Wine Vinegar

Wine vinegar adds a subtle sweetness and acidic flavor that goes perfectly with this Hawaiian dish. Add about 1 ½ tbsp of wine vinegar for this effect.


If you crave for more tangy taste, add about 1 tbsp of ketchup along with broth in the instant pot.


For an extra sweetness, add 1 tbsp of sugar along with the spices. You can try this method for a little change in the recipe.


If you have a higher spice endurance level, you can consider adding paprika to your dish. It will increase the hotness and aroma of the Zippy’s chili.

You’ll also read: Low Fodmap Ground Beef Recipes


This Zippy’s chili recipe serves a savory and creamy taste, perfect for your side meal. To prepare this dish, you only need 1 hour of your time and a few essential spices.

As a perfect combo with rice or cornbread, this dish will definitely make you fall in love with Hawaiian cuisine. Using Portuguese sausage, mayo, some vegetables, tomato paste, and spices, you will get a copycat version of Zippy’s chili in no time!


1. Question: Is Zippy’s chili vegetarian?

Answer: Zippy’s chili can be made vegetarian if you omit the meat items (Step 4) from the recipe and add cheese and caramelized onions instead.

2. Question: What adds richness to chili?

Answer: Some wine vinegar along with a little bit of sugar will add to the richness of the chili.

3. Question: Does chili taste better the longer it cooks?

Answer: Yes, but do not cook for more than an hour.

4. Question: What does adding ketchup to chili do?

Answer: Adding ketchup to the chili increases the tangy flavor.

5. Question: Why do you put garlic in chili?

Answer: Garlic influences the taste and aroma of the chili.

Picture of Mumtaheena Ahmed

Mumtaheena Ahmed

Hey there, food enthusiasts! I’m Mumtaheena and I’m obsessed with creative recipes. I am an expert in preparing easy recipes with the simplest of ingredients. My beige flag is creating budget friendly recipes along with a twist! With years of encounters with food from various regions, I am here with all the things you need to be a pro cook.

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